It has been an absolutely bananas couple of weeks (2 weeks since launch!). I did my launch event in New York sponsored by Yu & Me Books, where I was told somewhere between 90-110 people showed up, and we totally sold out. I immediately went off to the rest of my tour, with a couple of a breaks in between to see my kid. Somewhere in that mix, Good Morning America announced Homeseeking as its January Book Club pick, and I did a couple of TV spots, one taped, and one, thrillingly (and nervewrackingly!) live! I got a few great reviews, including one that made my jaw drop from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and one that made me tear up from the Washington Post. I've gotten some truly lovely fan messages, and I'm just grateful to see that the book is finding its readers and that others love Suchi and Haiwen as much as I do.
At some point I will get my act together and post photos and videos from all these events (taken by other people, since I kept forgetting to take photos), but I just wanted to drop in and say that I am grateful, so grateful. All of this is already a dream come true.