February 22
[new column on fertility this side of 35]
I've started a new column over at Catapult, one I've been thinking about for awhile. It centers around fertility and future-planning now that I'm on the other side of 35. It's a bit scary because it leaves me feeling quite vulnerable, but I also wanted to write this column because I often find this experience, these anxieties, to be a very lonely thing. Perhaps by writing it down, I can help someone else feel less lonely. Perhaps I will feel less lonely. I don't know.
In any case, the first column went up a couple of days ago. I've been gathering my head before posting about it here, because I felt a bit timid? But also — I've gotten a few really moving responses and I am so grateful. It's strange to be writing about something I'm still in the process of coming to terms with, but why else did I become a writer, if not to try to make sense of the things I experience?
You can read my first column here.